Story is Everything
The Six Kinds of Stories
Communicate with Stories! Narrate a virtual experience that prompts new insights and beliefs in the hearts, minds and souls of your listeners.
Six stories that accelerate collaboration and communication.

Story is the DNA of all meaning –nothing is important without the story you tell yourself about it.
Annette Simmons

Latest Book
Drinking From A Different Well
A new book & and blog at
Annette’s latest book, “Drinking from a Different Well: How Women’s Stories Change What Power Means in Action” offers a way to create dynamic and unprecedented change in the way we have structured our society, a change that could save us all from global warming, poorly implemented artificial intelligence, or the spread of pandemics.
- How women's stories change the conversation
- The many ways to view power
- Learning from collaborative narratives
Trust is a dance that starts when we share our stories.
Recent Blog Posts
Paradox: Root Cause of Polarization
According to Pew research, disdain between opposing political parties in America has doubled in the last 30 years, coincidentally the span of my own consulting business, Group Process Consulting. My efforts to document true stories about these escalating conflicts inadvertently produced a set of oral histories across the years: Territorial Games (1997), A Safe Place

Contrasts, Not Conflicts
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx Troublemakers erode trust faster than we can build it back right now. Yet, many of these “troubles” are invented conflicts that distort predictably contrasting values. It helps to know what to look for. And once

Storyteller’s Confession: My Secret Mission
I’ve been trying to infiltrate the halls of power for decades. My secret mission is to increase the diversity of thought by teaching those without a voice how to tell their stories and by teaching leaders how to find and retell stories that broaden everyone’s understanding.