When I wrote The Story Factor in 2000, I realized that the subject of storytelling is a BIG umbrella. My niche is delivering keynotes and training for participants who want to learn “how to” find and tell stories. Participants leave with skills designed to deliver stories orally, in person. What I do best is teach participants the “how to” of finding and telling stories. For almost twenty years, I’ve developed and delivered workshops that embed storytelling skills back into the everyday thinking habits of participants.
We provide keynotes, workshops and personal coaching to CEOs, senior executives, sales staff, fund-raisers and anyone who wants to use stories to motivate groups and/or individuals via personal interactions or personally delivered presentations.
Leadership Stories
People don’t want more information. They want faith– faith in you, your ideas…your story. Only personal experience, or a personal story can deliver that kind of faith. Your vision story ties followers personal goals with yours to a meaningful destination that reframes current sacrifice as minor inconvenience.
Participants learn six stories you need to tell, when to tell them and where to find them. You will learn six principles of storytelling including secrets of vibrancy that create a mental experience more powerful than current experiences.
Gathering Stories
Gathering stories means going to the front lines of your organization. From there, it is a dance of earning trust, giving a good “reason why” and trading stories to get stories. This method is much faster and more reliable than asking someone to “tell you a story.”
This course is available to groups with specific goals. The methodology I use to gather stories is derived from psychological interview techniques.
Personal Coaching
Want to continue to learn how to apply story to your work? We offer personal coaching to those who are interested in further study.
If your conference or offsite retreat needs a jump start, a provocative close or a well-timed transition, consider hiring Annette Simmons to deliver a 45 minute to hour and a half speech. Annette “makes you think” – her speeches are guided trips down new rivers of thought that shifts perspective. With every keynote, Annette also offers a free workshop or breakout session to provide individualized instruction in story-finding and storytelling.