Lean In! Stories about Women and the Will to Lead

I want to talk about Sheryl Sandberg and her new book, “Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead.” I share her story and a few stories of my own in this video. I believe that along with storytelling tips, sending you videos like this will help develop your storytelling talents by reminding you to continually look for stories. Listening to meaningful stories should trigger memories that can develop into great stories. I hope these stories are about issues that are important to you. Let me know what you think!


Lean In: Stories about Women and Work <<< CLICK HERE!


3 thoughts on “Lean In! Stories about Women and the Will to Lead”

  1. Your class sitting story reminded me of my periodic assignment as class monitor while the teacher stepped out – never thought about it – but probably to have a smoke … 🙂 Lordy, how I hated that job…. A bag of peppermints would have been a help!

  2. Hi Annette – I enjoyed how you replayed your experience with the publisher. They have obviously facilitated sharing of ideas and data over the years however your experience exemplifies perfectly for me how they are missing the point in this age of change and self publishing. If someone has a heart felt thesis or story they want to share, why should another block that (unless of course there’s an advnce check on the line!). It sems to me the ave of human expression is going over their head and they are missing a huge opportunity.

    1. It was almost ten years ago. Still, I’ve gotten a few responses like that in the last month to my video. People are freaky fragile around gender issues. I suppose it is a good thing – better than apathy!

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